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Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Riana Helmi Record Muri As Youngest Doctor


JawaPos, Yogyakarta, Friday, December 31, 2010
Riana Helmi Record Muri As Youngest Doctor
Suppose to Go to School like Playground

Academic achievement continues carved Riana Helmi. Girl from Banda Aceh was once listed as the youngest medical graduate in Indonesia at the age of 17 years 9 months. Yesterday (12/30/2010) Riana back incised Muri record as the youngest doctor to the age of 19 years and 9 months.
Heru Setiyaka - Lutfi R
Achievements Riana Helmi is not only the youngest doctor. At graduation on May 19, 2010, she won grade point average (GPA) of 3.67. The period of his lecture was also only three years and six months. Women born in Banda Aceh was signed in the Faculty of Medicine (FK), Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, through the PBS program (self-financing talent search) at the age of 14 years on 1 September 2005. She graduated with a degree in medicine on February 25, 2009.

"I am pleased and relieved. Thank God, "said Riana when getting an award from the World Indonesian Record Museum (Muri) of their achievement yesterday.

Happiness radiates from Riana's face when she and 141 of the FK UGM sworn in as the new doctor in the third period of the academic year 2010-2011 at Graha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM yesterday. They appointed Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University Prof. Dr. Mukti Ali Ghufron MSc PhD. They consisted of 46 male physicians and 96 female doctors, including Riana.

How is the lecture Riana? She said he did not have much trouble during studying at FK UGM. Tasks that are severe enough she did cheerfully. "Difficulties still exist. But, all can be overcome. In faculty, the task always plenty, “said Riana.
First graduation time, Riana also says it wants to continue his education. "After this, I want to keep learning more," said the doctor who graduated with a thesis about breast cancer. "I want to make dreams come true as an obstetrician," added the girl was born March 22, 1991.

According to Helmi, Riana's father, his son really liked it since childhood learning. He was very enthusiastic about going to school each. For Riana, she added, going to school is like going to the park to play. When her father escorted by motorcycles, small Riana always not wait to get down and ran to school. "she really enjoys every process of learning," said Police Officer School educators in Lido, Sukabumi, West Java, the. "Oh yes, Riana always come a bit earlier than her friends," he added.

Riana entered primary school at the age of four years. Helmut and his wife never forced his son to school early. However, it seems since Riana intelligence was three years old. "In the age that much, she could read. Although it's late, he always asked was taught to read, "said Helmi, looking at Riana.

Helmi added, after graduating from elementary school, Riana completing SMP and SMA Negeri 3 Sukabumi with the acceleration program.

He revealed, since childhood Riana do not like playing dolls. For the child, the doll is a horrible figure. Therefore, when his age was busy playing dolls, Riana was more like learning to read. "she’s scared to play dolls. See doll could scream. Thus, her study continues, "said Helmi, then laughed.

Is Riana will experience difficulty as a doctor because she was still very young? Ali said that while young, She has been psychologically and socially mature. Therefore, he believed that Riana will not experience difficulty when plunged in the field later.

"We hope that all doctors are sworn in as the practice and the plunge in the community can work with emphasis on the principles of safety and efficiency. Because, so far, in the practice of medicine are still many cases of medical errors that harm society and tarnished the image of doctors, "he explained.

In the face of new doctors, Ali hopes that they seriously implement the internship program. Namely, the internship year in health centers and hospital type C and D. The goal, align educational outcomes with practice in the community.

Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) DIJ Dr Bambang Suryono Suwondo Span KIC KNA hope, the new doctors are also able to develop herbal therapies such as those set Permenkes 1109/2007.

"Herbs can assist farmaka or replace farmaka. Herbs also proved to have many benefits or efficacy through clinical trials, "said Bambang.

Until yesterday, FK UGM has graduated 7204 physicians. About 83 of the 142 new doctors are sworn in yesterday graduated with cum laude bearing. Agus Simahendra won best graduates with a GPA of 3.97. Meanwhile, the oldest physician on the inauguration this time named Hanani binti Mohd Noor. Hilmin from Malaysia at the age of 25 years 10 months .***

Jawapos, Jogyakarta, Jumat 31 Desember 2010
Riana Helmi Catat Rekor Muri Sebagai Dokter Termuda
Anggap ke Sekolah seperti Pergi ke Taman Bermain

Prestasi Akademis terus diukir Riana Helmi. Gadis asal Banda Aceh itu pernah tercatat sebagai sarjana kedokteran termuda di Indonesia dalam usia 17 tahun 9 bulan. Kemarin (30.12.2010) Riana kembali menorehkan rekor Muri sebagai dokter termuda dengan usia 19 tahun 9 bulan.
Heru Setiyaka – Lutfi R

Prestasi Riana Helmi bukan hanya dokter termuda. Saat diwisuda pada 19 Mei 2010, dia meraih indeks prestasi kumulatif (IPK) 3,67. Masa kuliahnya juga hanya tiga tahun enam bulan. Perempuan kelahiran Banda Aceh tersebut masuk Fakultas Kedokteran (FK) UGM, Jogjakarta, melalui program PBS (penelusuran bakat swadana) saat berusia 14 tahun pada 1 September 2005. Dia lulus sebagai sarjana kedokteran pada 25 Februari 2009.

”Saya senang dan lega. Alhamdulillah,” ucap Riana ketika mendapatkan penghargaan dari Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia (Muri) atas prestasi tersebut kemarin.

Kebahagiaan terpancar dari wajah Riana ketika dirinya bersama 141 orang dari FK UGM dilantik sebagai dokter baru pada periode ketiga tahun ajaran 2010-2011 di Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM kemarin. Mereka dilantik Dekan FK UGM Prof dr Ali Ghufron Mukti MSc PhD. Mereka terdiri atas 46 dokter laki-laki dan 96 dokter perempuan, termasuk Riana.

Bagaimana proses perkuliahan Riana? Dia mengaku tidak menemui banyak kesulitan selama menempuh studi di FK UGM. Tugas-tugas yang cukup berat dia kerjakan dengan riang. ”Kesulitan sih ada. Tapi, semua bisa diatasi. Di kedokteran, tugas memang banyak,” kata gadis berjilbab itu.

Waktu wisuda dulu, Riana juga menyatakan ingin terus menuntut ilmu. ”Setelah ini, saya ingin terus belajar lagi,” tutur dokter yang lulus dengan skripsi tentang kanker payudara itu. ”Saya ingin mewujudkan cita-cita sebagai dokter spesialis kandungan,” tambah gadis kelahiran 22 Maret 1991 tersebut.

Menurut penuturan Helmi, ayah Riana, anaknya itu sejak kecil memang suka belajar. Dia sangat antusias setiap hendak berangkat ke sekolah. Bagi Riana, lanjut dia, berangkat ke sekolah diibaratkan pergi ke taman bermain. Saat diantar ayahnya dengan motor, Riana kecil selalu tidak sabar untuk segera turun dan berlari ke sekolah. ”Dia menikmati betul setiap proses belajar,” tutur perwira polisi pendidik di Sekolah Perwira Polri Lido, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, tersebut. ”Oh ya, Riana selalu datang lebih pagi daripada teman-temannya,” imbuh dia.

Riana masuk SD pada usia empat tahun. Helmi maupun istri tidak pernah memaksa anaknya bersekolah lebih awal. Namun, kecerdasan itu tampak sejak Riana berusia tiga tahun. ”Di usia segitu, dia sudah bisa membaca. Meski sudah malam, dia selalu minta diajari membaca,” tutur Helmi sambil memandang Riana.

Helmi menambahkan, setelah lulus SD, Riana menyelesaikan jenjang SMP dan SMA Negeri 3 Sukabumi dengan program akselerasi.

Dia membeberkan, sejak kecil Riana tidak suka bermain boneka. Bagi si anak, boneka adalah sosok mengerikan. Karena itu, saat anak seusianya sibuk bermain boneka, Riana justru lebih suka belajar membaca. ”Dia takut main boneka. Lihat boneka saja bisa menjerit. Maka, kerjanya belajar terus,” papar Helmi, lantas tertawa.

Apakah Riana akan mengalami kesulitan sebagai dokter karena usianya masih sangat muda? Ali mengatakan, meski belia, Riana telah matang secara psikologis maupun sosial. Karena itu, dia yakin bahwa Riana tidak akan mengalami kesulitan saat terjun di lapangan nanti.

”Kami berharap, seluruh dokter yang dilantik ketika praktik dan terjun di masyarakat bisa bekerja dengan mengutamakan prinsip keselamatan dan efisiensi. Sebab, selama ini, dalam praktik dunia kedokteran masih banyak kasus medical error yang merugikan masyarakat maupun mencoreng citra dokter,” urainya.

Di hadapan dokter baru, Ali berharap bahwa mereka secara serius melaksanakan program internship. Yakni, proses magang setahun di puskesmas maupun rumah sakit tipe C dan D. Tujuannya, menyelaraskan hasil pendidikan dengan praktik di tengah masyarakat.

Ketua Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) DIJ Dr Bambang Suryono Suwondo SpAn KIC KNA berharap, para dokter baru juga bisa mengembangkan terapi herbal sebagaimana telah diatur Permenkes 1109/2007.

”Herbal bisa mendampingi farmaka atau mengganti farmaka. Herbal juga terbukti punya banyak manfaat atau khasiat melalui uji klinik,” tegas Bambang.

Hingga kemarin, FK UGM telah meluluskan 7.204 dokter. Sebanyak 83 di antara 142 dokter baru yang dilantik kemarin lulus dengan menyandang predikat cum laude. Lulusan terbaik diraih Agus Simahendra dengan IPK 3,97. Sedangkan dokter tertua pada pelantikan kali ini bernama Noor Hanani binti Mohd. Hilmin asal Malaysia dalam usia 25 tahun 10 bulan.***

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